Radar > 226289

Mozambique has new Legislation for Law Firms

Moçambique tem uma nova Lei das Sociedades de Advogados

Intel ID : 226289

Mozambique has a new Legislation for Law Firms, as reported by newspaper Jornal de Negócios on 17 June 2015.

Law practice by foreigners in Mozambique will continue to have restrictions, but with the legislation, the existence of a partnership with a local firms will ease its practice.

According to PLMJ's international partner and chairman of the Bar Association of Mozambique, Tomás Timbane, "The Legislation for Law Firms (LSA) now, establishes the terms and conditions under which Mozambican law firms can create partnerships with foreign law firms" and he also adds that," the restrictions to foreigners practicing the law will remain. However, under those partnerships there is now an opening that was not there before. In addition to lawyers registered in the Bar Association, foreign lawyers can practice legal activities, but only within these partnerships".
(content in portuguese)

Moçambique tem uma nova Lei das Sociedades de Advogados, publicou o Jornal de Negócios em 17 de junho de 2015.

As restrições ao exercício da advocacia por estrangeiros em Moçambique continuam, mas com a entrada em vigor de um novo quadro legal para o sector, a existência de uma parceria com um escritório local facilita a prática profissional.

De acordo com o sócio internacional da PLMJ e bastonário da Ordem dos Advogados de Moçambique, Tomás Timbane, "A Lei das Sociedades de Advogados (LSA) estabelece agora os termos e condições em que as sociedades de advogados moçambicanas podem estabelecer parcerias com sociedades de advogados estrangeiras", e ele também acrescenta, "As restrições para o exercício da advocacia por estrangeiros continuam, ainda que, no âmbito das referidas parcerias, exista agora uma abertura que antes não existia. Além dos advogados inscritos na Ordem, os advogados estrangeiros podem realizar algumas actividades jurídicas, mas, apenas no âmbito dessas parcerias".

Intel ID 226289
Value ND
Native Currency Euro (EUR)
Financial Data - PLMJ
(31 Dec 2015)
Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Intel Grade

Related Entity

Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Services and Distribution / Consultancy, Audit and Engineering (Primary)
Primary Sector (TTRSC)
10.01.10 Legal Services
10 Business Services / 10.01 Business & Professional Support Services



verified Verified: Confirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

potential Potential: Unconfirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

retained Retained: Confirmed as “Retained” with a general or specific mandate.

prospect Prospect: Advisory “Prospect” in discussions with or pitching services to possible client.

Transactional data is continuously updated by the research team and therefore is subject to change.