Brasil - Mayo 2020

mayo 2020
Brasil - Mayo 2020
Format: .PDF

According to Transactional Track Record's May M&A Report, from January to May, there was a 28% decrease in the announcements of transactions involving Brazil-based companies. During that period, the moved capital totaled BRL 43.7bn. The same type of analysis is available on the pages allocated to Private Equity, Venture Capital, and asset acquisitions. Meanwhile, the section dedicated to the cross-border segment presents studies correlating the foreign countries investing in Brazil and the sub-sectors of those investments. The league tables in the last pages of the report reflect the activity of the legal and financial advisors, based on transactions announced in 2020 YTD.


Patrocinado por TozziniFreire:


Blau Farmacêutica completes acquisition of Pharma Limírio

Asesores de la transacción:

Asesoría Financiera:

  • Banco Bradesco BBI
  • Banco Itaú BBA

Asesoría Jurídica:

  • MNA - Miguel Neto Advogados
  • Souza, Mello e Torres