Brazil - February 2017

February 2017
Brazil - February 2017
Pages: 25
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The shortest month of 2017 follows the trend pointed in last January. According to the Transactional Track Record report, in partnership with LexisNexis and Tozzini Freire Advogados, 55 transactions were registered in February, 25% less than the same month last year. 20 deals had values disclosed and totaled R$16.1bn, an increase of 69.49%. The first two months of the year registered an increase of 169% in value over 2016.

In February, the six major transactions (of amounts greater or equal to R$500m) recorded a total of R$14.6bn. The largest deal is from the Financial and Insurance subsector: the acquisition of Valepar by Vale do Rio Doce for R$5.9bn.


Sponsored by: LexisNexis - TozziniFreire Advogados


Guarani - (content in portuguese) Empresa dedicada à transformação da cana-de-açúcar em açúcar, e etanol em energia elétrica.

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