November 2012

November 2012
November 2012
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During November, the M&A sector in Spain maintained its dynamism, as a result of the financial entities' activity. Highlights include the acquisition of Banco de Valencia by CaixaBank and possible divestments by Bankia. Furthermore, Iberdrola and Endesa announced their intention to sell a stake in Medgaz. As the year ends, the number of deals shows similarity to 2011, but with an inferior investment volume.

This year's last term, marked by foreign financial support and a level of deficit increasingly substantial, does not bring good prospective to the Portuguese transactional market. Nonetheless, November was more dynamic than previous month. Highlights include developments in privatisation processes of ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal and HPP - Hospitais Privados de Portugal. In addition, capital markets sector regained activity, after several months of stagnation.