Latin America - 4Q 2020

December 2020
Latin America - 4Q 2020
Pages: 73
Format: .PDF

Deal making fell by volume and aggregate value across Latin America in 2020, according to Transactional Track Record's 4Q20 Quarterly Report. Brazil led the region by deal volume, followed by Mexico, and then Chile; Colombia ranks fourth, followed by Argentina and, lastly, Peru, among the top six M&A markets regionally. Brazil also led by aggregate value, followed by Mexico, and then Chile, while Colombia ranked fourth by aggregate value ahead of Argentina, and Peru in sixth. The report provides complete coverage of the sectors undergoing most consolidation across the region, as well as the most noteworthy cross-border transactions.



InRetail Perú acquires Makro Supermayorista Perú

Advisors in this deal:

Financial Advisors

  • Corporate & Investment Banking Perú (Banco Santander)

Legal Advisors

  • Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogados