Radar > 240343

Dias Carneiro Advogados announces expansion and strengthening of key practices

Dias Carneiro Advogados anuncia a chegada de três novos sócios

Intel ID : 240343

Dias Carneiro Advogados announces the arrival of three new lateral partners: Roberto Carneiro, Ricardo Assaf and Leonardo Batista.

Roberto and Leonardo have a remarkable legal practice involving highly complex M&A transactions, corporate restructuring, securities regulations and general corporate matters. Roberto has accumulated over 20 years of experience with a very well-reputed local corporate law firm, he has a Masters Degree from Georgetown University and recently led one of the most relevant successful deals in the Brazilian M&A market. Leonardo has a similar background and has teamed up with Roberto for the past 13 years.

Ricardo has a very solid infrastructure and regulatory experience, having assisted many of the most important players in prominent Brazilian projects for infrastructure and energy. Prior to joining DCA, he was the general counsel for one of the largest Brazilian renewable energy companies and, prior to that, a partner in a very well-reputed local firm.
(content in portuguese)

O escritório Dias Carneiro Advogados anunciou a chegada de três novos sócios: Roberto Carneiro, Ricardo Assaf e Leonardo Batista.

Tanto Roberto Carneiro quanto Leonardo Batista tem uma prática legal notável no que se refere a Fusões e Aquisições, reestruturações societárias, e assuntos corporativos em geral. Roberto acumulou mais de 20 anos de experiência com um escritório de advocacia com excelente reputação. Ele tem um mestrado pela Universidade de Georgetown e recentemente liderou uma das mais relevantes transações de M&A do Mercado brasileiro. Leonardo possui tem background semelhante tendo atuado junto com o Roberto nos últimos 13 anos.

Ricardo Assaf possui sólida experiência nas áreas de infraestrutura e regulatória, tendo assessorado aos mais importantes players nos projetos de infraestrutura e de energia brasileiros. Antes de ingressar no DCA, ele foi General Counsel em uma das maiores empresas de energia renovável do Brasil e, antes disso, foi partner em um escritório de excelente reputação.

Intel ID 240343
Value ND
Native Currency Brazilian Real (BRL)
Exchange Rate:
Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Intel Grade


Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Services and Distribution / Consultancy, Audit and Engineering (Primary)
Primary Sector (TTRSC)
10.01.10 Legal Services
10 Business Services / 10.01 Business & Professional Support Services



verified Verified: Confirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

potential Potential: Unconfirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

retained Retained: Confirmed as “Retained” with a general or specific mandate.

prospect Prospect: Advisory “Prospect” in discussions with or pitching services to possible client.

Transactional data is continuously updated by the research team and therefore is subject to change.