Radar > 273383

Olympique Lyonnais Groupe and Resende Futebol Clube celebrate strategic partnership for development of Pele Academia football academy

Olympique Lyonnais Groupe e Resende Futebol Clube celebram parceria estratégica para desenvolvimento da academia de futebol Pelé Academia

Intel ID : 273383

Olympique Lyonnais Groupe [EPA:OLG] has enter into a strategic partnership with the Brazil-based football club Resende Futebol Clube to develop a business and commercial cooperation between the parties, on an exclusive basis, with respect to the development of the football academy Pelé Academia and the formation of new young talents, the expansion of Resende Futebol Clube's professional and amateur football departments and the possibility of recruitment by Olympique Lyonnais of football players formed at the Pelé Academia.

The transaction also involved the acquisition by Olympique Lyonnais of a minority stake in the share capital of Gol de Placa Marketing Esportivo which is responsible for the management of Resende Futebol Clube and Pelé Academia, including Resende Futebol Clube's professional and amateur football departments (see related transaction).
(content in portuguese)

O Olympique Lyonnais Groupe [EPA:OLG] celebrou parceria estratégica com o clube de futebol brasileiro Resende Futebol Clube para desenvolvimento de uma cooperação comercial entre as partes, em caráter exclusivo, visando o desenvolvimento da academia de futebol Pelé Academia e a formação de novos jovens talentos, a expansão dos departamentos de futebol amador e profissional do Resende Futebol Clube e a possibilidade de recrutamento pelo Olympique Lyonnais de jogadores de futebol formados na Pelé Academia.

A operação também envolveu a aquisição pelo Olympique Lyonnais Groupe de uma participação minoritária na sociedade Gol de Placa Marketing Esportivo, a qual administra o Resende Futebol Clube e a Pelé Academia, incluindo os departamentos de futebol amador e profissional do clube Resende Futebol Clube (ver transação relacionada).

Intel ID 273383
Value ND
Native Currency Brazilian Real (BRL)
Exchange Rate:
Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Intel Grade


Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Services and Distribution / Sports and Leisure (Primary)


Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Services and Distribution / Sports and Leisure (Primary)
Primary Sector (TTRSC)
15.10.08 Sports, Recreation & Entertainment
15 Consumer Products & Services / 15.10 Travel, Hospitality & Leisure


Legal Advisory

Mergers & Acquisitions

Date Target Country Buyer Seller VALUE (EURm) Subsector    


verified Verified: Confirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

potential Potential: Unconfirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

retained Retained: Confirmed as “Retained” with a general or specific mandate.

prospect Prospect: Advisory “Prospect” in discussions with or pitching services to possible client.

Transactional data is continuously updated by the research team and therefore is subject to change.