Radar > 276416

Veirano Advogados launches its chinese brand

Veirano Advogados lança gabinete dedicado à China

Intel ID : 276416

Due to the scenario of positive cooperation between Brazil and China and having attended regularly Chinese customers on several fronts, Veirano Advogados launches its Chinese brand. In this way, it becomes the first full-service law firm to have a version of its brand dedicated especially to another country.

The office has a team of professionals with experience in Chinese culture, thus improving the service and focusing on the specific needs of the clients business.
(content in portuguese)

Devido ao cenário de cooperação positiva entre Brasil e China e havendo atendido regularmente clientes chineses em várias frentes, Veirano Advogados lança seu gabinete chinês. Desta forma, torna-se o primeiro escritório de advocacia com serviço completo a ter uma versão de sua marca dedicada especialmente a outro país.

O escritório possui uma equipe de profissionais com experiência na cultura chinesa, melhorando assim o atendimento e focando nas necessidades específicas dos negócios dos clientes.

Intel ID 276416
Value ND
Native Currency Brazilian Real (BRL)
Exchange Rate:
Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Intel Grade


Subsector (Old TTR Sectors)
Services and Distribution / Consultancy, Audit and Engineering (Primary)
Primary Sector (TTRSC)
10.01.10 Legal Services
10 Business Services / 10.01 Business & Professional Support Services



verified Verified: Confirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

potential Potential: Unconfirmed as a party to an active or possible transaction.

retained Retained: Confirmed as “Retained” with a general or specific mandate.

prospect Prospect: Advisory “Prospect” in discussions with or pitching services to possible client.

Transactional data is continuously updated by the research team and therefore is subject to change.