Brasil - Febrero 2016

diciembre 2015
Brasil - Febrero 2016
Pages: 18
Format: .PDF

 In the first two months of 2016, the Brazilian transactional market registered a total of 111 deals, both announced and closed, including asset acquisition, and an aggregate value of BRL 27.25bn. In February 2016, the aggregate value was BRL 15.38bn, taking into account deals with disclosed values, equivalent to a 473% increase compared with the same period last year. The transactions involving the financial and insurance sector recorded a 31% increase in number of deals between January and February 2016, compared with the same period in 2015, according to TTR's Monthly Report (

Patrocinado por: MERRILL CORPORATION - TozziniFreire Advogados

Grupo Uniasselvi - Instituição de ensino superior.

Asesores Financieros

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