Brasil - Primero y Segundo Trimestre 2015

julio 2015
Brasil - Primero y Segundo Trimestre 2015
Pages: 28
Format: .PDF

(content in english)

In the second quarter of 2015, the Brazilian transactional market registered 205 deals, both announced and closed, and an investment volume of approximately BRL 49.52bn, which only includes deals with disclosed amounts.

So far this year, a total of 440 deals were recorded, generating approximately BRL 90.24bn. The number of deals registered between January and June of 2015, 440, represent a 45.36% increase compared with the 12 months in 2014.

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GVT  - Multinational telecoms operator.

Financial Advisors

Legal Advisors

- RANKING 1st and 2nd quarter 2015 -
Mergers and Acquisitions - Brazil
Financial Advisors
By No. of transactions
Ranking 1S 2015 FINANCIAL ADVISOR No. of Transactions
1 Banco Itaú BBA 20
2 Banco BTG Pactual 11
3 Bank of America Merril Lynch 5
4 Credit Suisse Group 3
5 Banco Santander 3
6 Goldman Sachs 3
7 BR Partners 3
8 Deutsche Bank 2
9 Banco do Brasil 2
9 Bank of America 2
By total value of transactions
Ranking 1S 2015 FINANCIAL ADVISOR Total value (BRLm)
1 Banco Itaú BBA 16.876,35
2 Banco BTG Pactual 16.098,83
3 Credit Suisse Group 10.958,33
4 Deutsche Bank 110.113,33
5 Bank of America Merril Lynch 4.659,22
6 Banco Santander 2.252,00
7 J.P. Morgan Chase International Holdings 1.750,00
8 Goldman Sachs 1.330,00
9 GCA Savvian Advisors 845,00
10 Banco do Brasil 625,52