América Latina - 1T 2022

marzo 2022
América Latina - 1T 2022
Pages: 73
Format: .PDF

Deal making grew by volume and fell by aggregate value across Latin America in the first quarter of 2022, according to the monthly M&A report on the region published by Transactional Track Record (TTR). Brazil led the region by deal volume, followed by Mexico, and then Colombia; Chile ranks fourth, followed by Argentina and, lastly, Peru, among the top six M&A markets regionally. Brazil also led by aggregate value, followed by Chile, and then Mexico, while Colombia ranked fourth by aggregate value ahead of Perú, with Argentina rounding out the top six M&A markets in the region by volume. The report provides complete coverage of the sectors undergoing most consolidation across the region, as well as the most noteworthy cross-border transactions.

Patrocinado por: 


Emgesa completa absorción de tres filiales de Enel Américas para crear Enel Colombia

Asesores de la transacción:

Asesoría Financiera:

  • Inverlink
  • UBS Colombia

Asesoría jurídica:

  • Posse Herrera Ruiz
  • BLP Legal
  • Claro y Cía. Abogados
  • Arias, Fábrega & Fábrega
  • Garrigues Colombia

Fairness Opinion

  • BBVA Valores Colombia
  • Econsult