Colombia - 4T 2020

Dezembro 2020
Colombia - 4T 2020
Pages: 38
Format: .PDF

There were 152 deals in Colombia in 2020, worth a combined USD 4.75bn, according to Transactional Track Record's 4Q20 Quarterly Report . The report provides a quarterly analysis of the Colombian M&A market, with complete coverage of the sectors undergoing most consolidation, along with the most prominent cross-border deals. Inbound deal making was led by US-based companies, the report indicates, while Internet companies were the most sought after among venture capitalists.





Interconexión Eléctrica acquires 100% of Concesión Costera Cartagena Barranquilla

 Assessores da transação:

Assessores Jurídicos:

  • Gómez-Pinzón
  • Castro Leiva Rendón Criales Abogados
  • Brigard Urrutia