Brasil - Anual 2015

enero 2016
Brasil - Anual 2015
Pages: 44
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(content in english)

In 2015, the Brazilian transactional market registered a total of 1,017 deals, both announced and closed, which generated approximately BRL 241.6bn, taking into account deals with recorded values.

The fourth quarter recorded an increase in number of deals and investment compared with the same period in previous years.

Patrocinado por: Merrill Datasite

Rede D'Or São Luiz -  Red privada de medicina diagnóstica administradora de hospitales y laboratorios

Asesores Financieros

Asesores Legales

Mergers and Acquisitions - Brazil
Financial Advisors
By No. of transactions
Ranking 2015 FINANCIAL ADVISOR No. of Transactions
1 Banco Itaú BBA 45
2 Banco BTG Pactual 32
3 Banco Bradesco BBI 16
4 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 9
5 Vinci Partners 9
6 BR Partners 8
7 IGC Partners Assessoria Empresarial 7
8 Banco Santander 5
9 Rothschild 3
10 UBS 3
By total value of transactions
Ranking 2015 FINANCIAL ADVISOR Total Value (BRLm))
1 Banco Bradesco BBI 35.746,68
2 Banco Itaú BBA 32.520,40
3 Banco BTG Pactual 29.865,48
4 J.P. Morgan Chase International Holdings 19.331,00
5 Rothschild 17.979,57
6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 11.131,89
7 Banco Santander 10.747,11
8 Deutsche Bank 9.328,42
9 BR Partners 4.560,58
10 Goldman Sachs 3.192,00
Mergers and Acquisitions - Brazil
Legal Advisors
By No. of transactions
Ranking 2015 LEGAL ADVISOR No. of Transactions
1 Pinheiro Neto Advogados 59
2 Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados 52
3 Veirano Advogados 40
4 Souza Cescon Advogados 39


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